If you are seeking extra muscle mass as fast as possible, high intensity training (HIT) comes highly recommended by a large percentage of bodybuilders. Whenever performing this kind of workout session, you push yourself to the limit, working hard to get through the required resistance training in a shorter amount of time. The body is kept in a high energy state through exceedingly short rest breaks and an almost constant stream of exercising. Here are some of the most popular routines that professional bodybuilders can use to further improve their muscle mass.

The Partial Rep Routine

It is common knowledge that any kind of intense physical workout should include weight training in which the full range of motion is performed. After all, in this way you can work your muscles through a wide range of positions. There is, however, room for partial reps within HIT. Here’s how:

1.      Conduct any weight exercise, performing normally with a full range of motion

2.      Work out until you reach failure point (i.e., when you can’t lift any more)

3.      Switch to partial reps, continuing with the routine until you reach failure again

In this way, you push your body to the limit, pumping more blood into your muscles and improving their growth rate. This can be done with any sort of exercise, including leg presses, lying triceps extensions, barbell curls and dumbbell side laterals.

Triple Drop Sets

Another method of lengthening exercise duration, triple drop sets involve three stages. First, you conduct whatever weight lifting you wanted to do with the normal weights attached. Work out until failure, then reduce the amount of weight and continue on. Once you reach failure again, reduce the weight a second time then keep on exercising until you simply can’t lift any more.

For added results, you can also take certain supplements that promote muscle growth. A smart choice here can help your body recover after the triple drop sets that you have included in your workout regime. Here are a few exercises that fit with this type of HIT:

·        Leg extensions

·        Pec deck flies

·        T-bar rows

·        Rear deltoids

You might also want to think about taking complementary medications such as the popular Define 8 to eliminate fat from your body so that all of your efforts would be focused towards building muscle and not burning flab.

Rest Pause Training

This type of bodybuilding regime can be split up into two different categories:

1.      Single Rep: Conduct the first rep at 90% of your typical RPM, rest for 5 or 10 seconds, and perform the same rep again. With this type of HIT, squats, flat barbell bench presses, deadlifts, and dumbbell side laterals are advised.

2.      Post Set: Do a set as normal, pushing through each rep until failure. Rest for 5 or 10 seconds and then conduct standard reps until you can’t do any more. Here, lying leg curls, weighted dips, low cable rows, and machine shoulder presses are recommended.

Again, you will need to keep your form when completing any of these HIT alternatives. Not only will you prevent future sports injuries, but you’ll also give yourself a chance to further increase your muscle mass by doing so.

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    April 2013

